Sunday, December 30, 2007

Trip to Arkansas

The weekend right before Christmas mom, dad, Kim, Madi and I went to Arkansas to visit Jason and Tiffani. We brought them their Christmas gifts to open. Here are some pictures from our nice visit.

Madi trying on a hat that is much much to large.

Opening Christmas presents.

Right before church. Doesn't Madison look adorable in her Christmas outfit?!

Baby's First Christmas!

For Madison's first Christmas we were at my parents house. She had alot of fun opening her presents. She liked pulling strips of paper off the gifts quite a bit. Almost more then playing with her actual gifts.:) She was very excited the whole. She stiffened up and did alot of wrist twisting.
Her pj's in all the pictures but one was picked out by her daddy. They just say "Baby's First Christmas".

She recieved "Marie" from Aristocats. She gave her big hugs.

Among the other gifts she also received Tigger. She loves soft things so Tigger received many hugs as well.

"Can I open this gift first." (The back of this outfit said "Santa Baby.We found it at Cracker Barrel.")

Monday, December 24, 2007

First Trip to Cabelas

Mom, Dad and I went to Cabelas to do some shopping. It was pretty late for Madison so she slept for most of the shopping excursion but she did wake up towards the end so we took her to see the animals. There was a bear closest to the railing so we pointed to it and said what it was. I don't know why exactly but I thought I'd show her what a bear said. So after giving a crazy bear growl to her she laughed really hard. I continued to growl at her until she quit laughing. It was the cutest thing! I guess she thought I sounded pretty funny as well.

You can see the infamous bear in the background.

Little Piano Player

The other day we thought it would be fun to let Madison play the piano. She did really well with not hitting it too hard and as you can see, thoroughly enjoyed her time. :) When she gets older we might have to let her take some lessons.

Deep into a sonata.

Friday, December 7, 2007

1st Thanksgiving

For Thanksgiving this year we had tons of family come to my mom's house for dinner. It was alot of fun and very nice seeing so much family at once. Below are a couple group pictures from the day

My sisters, brother, sister in-law(their "baby") and mom and dad.

The girls just hanging out.

My precious little girl!
She was able to try some potatoes for her Thanksgiving dinner and she got all stiff with excitement. It was fun being able to introduce her in person to everyone.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Starbucks is Everywhere!

Mike is over in Iraq at the moment but when he made it to Kuwait he told me he had found a Starbucks there. I thought it would be fun to share a picture of him with the Starbucks in Kuwait. :)

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker