Friday, February 29, 2008

Nap Time

I went in to check on Madison during naptime the other day and here is how I found her. It was so cute I had to get some pictures.

Puppy Love

Madison absolutely LOVES dogs. On the nice days we go walking with my friend Laura who lives in the same neighborhood. She takes her two dogs with her and that is all Madison usually wants to pay attention to. We went to their house the other day for a quick visit and here are some fun pictures she took.

Madison with Mister. "His bed looks so comfy".

Mister is say" Please don't let that baby in here with me." :)

Another word from Mister. "I don't like babies. Please don't touch me."

Crawling up to say hi to Chloe.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Goodbye Bottles and a little update on her

Yesterday we said goodbye to the bottles because Madison is 1 yr. old. I started out doing it gradually but she didn't seem to care so I got rid of the rest and it's like she was ready to be weaned as well. No fuss or anything like everyone says there will be. I think it was harder for me to let go then it was for her.:) Even at that last bottle of the day she'd sit up as if to say I'm a big girl give me a cup. Now we have to work more on getting her to drink out of her cup without the lid on.
Madison is growing so fast. She loves to talk and dance, it's so cute. She loves walking around the house. She's still working on having the confidance to do it alone for long distances. She still likes a little help from walls, toys, whatever she can find when she wants to go to another room or something far away. She continues to test her limits. She'll look at me alot of the time before doing something or touching something I've set as off limits and then she'll touch it quick. When I go to get her she'll 'run' from me. Such a little stinker. She is getting better with signing please though. She'll even ask please for my food. :)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

On the day of Madison's 1st Birthday!

Sunday was Madison's first birthday so I had another party for her in Georgia. Sorry there are so many pictures. There were so many cute ones I had a hard time picking only a few.

Madi and Mommy! :)

The birthday girl and decorations!

Her first cake. This was a cake in one of my baby books. It's a healthy cake with carrots and applesauce and all sorts of healthier alternatives to give your baby a good cake. I had to peel carrots and borrow a friend's food processor but it was all worth it and she loved it! :) Next year she's getting a normal one, this one was too much work. ;)

Getting ready to get cleaned up.

Her birthday t-shirt.

Birthday toy. She loves it!

She's already so polite. She knows she's supposed to read her cards before opening the gifts.

Grandma and Grandpa flew in especially for their little granddaughter's big day.

Our friends Laura and Aaron came to help celebrate.

Madison's 1st Early Birthday Party!

When we were in Nebraska for all the holidays we had a birthday party for Madison with all the family so they could share in her big day.
You can see she has a red face from crying. But that cake sure is yummy.

Poor baby. She was scared because of there were alot of people around making alot of noise but she did what she had to, even through the tears to eat that cake.

Princess Cake.

This is Madi's first baby doll. Her great grandpa gave it to her.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


I think this picture speaks for itself. (almost 12mo.)

Monday, February 4, 2008

Little Coaster Head

One day I noticed Madison was picking up our cloth coasters and putting them on her head. It was so cute watching her try to stick it up there then leave it there while doing whatever she was going to do. Today she put one on her head then walked around the coffee table with it still on. She acted like it was a hat and should be there while playing or walking.

This was from a different day when she tried to put all 4 on her head. She actually got 3 on I think but in this picture there are only 2.

"So how do I look?"

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Since the weather has been really nice I have been taking Madison outside for some fresh air. Everytime we go out she instantly points to this little cupid on the bird bath that came with the house. She gets really stiff and starts letting out little squeals and sounds of excitement. Since she had her shoes on I put her down by it to see what she would do. She had alot of fun.

You can't tell really but she is on her tip toes out of excitement.

After a little bit of the excitement from being so close to the cupid she realized that when she stepped her shoes made a crinkly noise on the wood chips. Here she is trying to figure out what that noise is. It was really cute!

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker