Sunday, March 30, 2008

Learning to Feed Herself

Madison has started wanting to take the silverware from me and do it herself. I got some pictures of her trying to do it herself. We still have a little ways to go before she doesn't need any help but she's doing pretty good so far. :)

I can't believe how big she's getting and all the new things she can do now!

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Madison and I are both very happy that spring is here and that the weather has really warmed up. She LOVES being outside doing anything. When we go back in she'll let out a little whine stating she wants to go back.:) Here are a couple pictures I took of her in the backyard the other day.

Checking out the flowers on our bush.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Hair Brushing

It seems the older Madison gets the more fun she becomes. She like to copy me on alot of things. One example is if I'm scolding her and use my pointy finger she looks at her finger and puts that finger up too. (in an innocent way). It's always so cute!:)

I had just finished brushing what little hair she has and put the brush down. She picked it up and tried to brush it herself.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Richmond Hill Veterans Memorial

Thursday I took Madison to the park here in town and there is a memorial in the middle of the park. After some playing we walked over to take a look at it. Here's some cute pictures of Madison walking around.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Pressure Washers

Last week I had the pressure washers come to wash our vinyl siding and our back patio. A wonderful new task that comes with owning a home. But Madison was totally enthralled with the loud noise and the water on the windows. She just stared almost the whole time and later she started getting a little nervous.:) The guys said she was so pretty.:)

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Here's a short video clip of Madison signing please. I have taught her the correct way to sign it but this is how she says it.:) Just in case you don't know what to look for it looks like she has an itch on her chest.:) It's so cute!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Backyard Time

The other day it was really sunny and nice outside so I took Madi outside to enjoy the sun. She still isn't totally sure what to do with the grass. Here she is running from me around the pole.

She loves to "read" her books so I thought it would be so cute to take one of her reading outside on the patio to show her daddy. Mike loves to read and loves his time on the patio so it was perfect. He loved it. He agreed that she looked so studious.
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