Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Hi Daddy!

The Battallion that Mike is with has been having video teleconferences(VTC) ever couple of weeks or so. This was our third one. Madison really recognizes her daddy. She will walk toward 'him' when I stand her up on the table and the first time she stretched her arms out for him to take her. Also we have found out that is such a daddy's girl. I have been teaching her different body parts as well as sign language but with seemingly not much luck aside from a show of progress here and there. The first VTC we had Mike asked her to tough her nose and she did it right away. This last one I had him ask her to touch her ears and to sign 'more'. She did both almost without any hesitation. All three of these are things she will not do for me. She has since started touching her nose for me and I got her to sign 'more' today but it's not everytime.:) She's such a little stinker. She knows more than we think. It's so cute watching them interact though. She gets bashful and does all sort of cute things like laugh when we are laughing about something. It has been a great way for the two of them to keep in touch and for her to know her daddy better since she was pretty young when he left. He got to see her walk the day after she started and has been able to watch her progress with walking as well as talking and all the other fun things she is learning. The VTC's have been a great for all of us! Here's some cute pictures of the two of them 'talking'.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

New Baby Doll

I bought Madison a little baby doll when we were at the store the other day. She carries her little doll around with her quite a bit. It's so cute. At first she thought the pacifier was supposed to be hers. I have posted some pictures in sequence so you can see her taking the baby's pacifier.

Thankfully the baby's pacifier was attached to it.

The baby came with a bottle so here she is trying to feed the baby with the pacifier still in it's mouth.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Random Pictures

Here are just some random pictures of Madi that I thought were cute.

Some water had collected on the top of this bucket so she splashed and splashed until she had water all over herself and the water was all gone on the bucket.:)

In the garage after going to the beach.

Getting a little more sun after we got home from our day at Hilton Head. I love her skirt because it matches her swim suit. I love dressing my little doll! :)

Monday, April 14, 2008

First Roses of the Season

I thought you'd all enjoy some pictures of the roses from our backyard. These are the first ones to bloom this season.

Good Times with Natalie!!

My best friend from college came for a visit this last week. We had alot of fun just hanging out and showing her fun stuff on the coast. We went to River Street and up to Hilton Head. I also, obviously got lots of cute pictures of Madi.

At Hilton Head Island.

There were alot of seagulls on the beach and Madi just loved them so here she is taking off to go get then. It was so cute that she was crawling to get them because she wasn't sure about walking on the sand so she thought crawling would be the safer way to get around there.

We played a game where we would bury her feet in the sand and she'd lift them straight up out of it.

In front of the window to the candy store on River Street in downtown Savannah.

Madison really made a new friend. She loved Natalie and as you can see they bonded.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Pulling Weeds

I was in the yard pulling a stickery weed that had snuck in to the grass in the backyard and Madison saw me doing it. She laughed a little as she watched me then she started grabbing at the weed and grass that was near her. It was so funny. She went back to that same spot today and pulled a little out.:)

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker